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Slow-Cooker Shepherd’s Pie and Other Recipes

A few weeks ago my wife and I tried this Williams-Sonoma recipe: Slow-Cooker Shepherd’s Pie. It’s really good. We have some family coming to visit from Louisiana, so we are making it tomorrow for Christmas day.

For Sunday we have more family and friends coming over for dinner, and are going to cook Amarone Osso Bucco, and some wild mushroom risotto. For appetizer: Ralph & Kacoo’s Stuffed Mushrooms–super delicious. I used to go to Ralph & Kacoo’s in Baton Rouge when I was in high school and college and eat that as a meal. My favorite stuffed mushrooms. For dessert: Mississippi Mud Pie.

And for brunch Sunday we will make Michael’s Breakfast Casserole.

Some of my other favorite recipes:

{ 1 comment… add one }
  • Rabban January 4, 2011, 10:49 am

    Well, now I know why you put on a little of that weight you lost earlier 🙂

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