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Selected Supplementary Material for Law in a Libertarian World: Legal Foundations of a Free Society

Laissez Faire Books released a new edition of my Against Intellectual Property in June 2012; the Introduction and further information are available hereAIP was first published as an article in theJournal of Libertarian Studies as part of the symposium “Applications of Libertarian Legal Theory(vol. 15, no. 2, Spring 2001); it was based on “The Legitimacy of Intellectual Property,” a paper presented at the  Law and Economics panel, Austrian Scholars Conference, Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama (March 25, 2000). It was later published as a monograph by the Mises Institute in 2008.

In the Introduction to the new edition, I link to the selected supplementary material contained in this post. As the  Introduction explains:

Since I wrote in AIP in 2001, I and others have written a good deal more on the topic of so-called intellectual property law, as it has become a greater and more apparent threat to property rights, freedom of expression, and the Internet. I am in the process of writing a new book on IP, tentatively entitled Copy This Book, taking into account more recent arguments, evidence, and examples. In the meantime, readers of AIP may find useful the list of selected writings and talks that supplement the arguments made in AIP, which I have compiled in my C4SIF blogpost “Selected Supplementary Material for Against Intellectual Property” (March 1, 2012), and which will be updated from time to time. For further information see various works linked atwww.c4sif.org/resources and material posted going forward at www.c4sif.org.

Links to the supplementary material and readings are provided below. Material below is by me unless indicated otherwise.

Selected Supplementary Material for Law in a Libertarian World: Legal Foundations of a Free Society

 Introductory Works



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