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The Dialectics of Liberty: A New Anthology is On The Way!

Update: See “Dialogical Arguments for Libertarian Rights” in The Dialectics of Liberty.

As announced today by political philosopher Chris Matthew Sciabarra, in his post “The Dialectics of Liberty: A New Anthology is On The Way!“, a new book is forthcoming this year from Lexington Books on “the dialectics of liberty.” This anthology is coedited by Roger E. Bissell, Sciabarra, and Edward W. Younkins, and includes a chapter by yours truly on “Dialogical Arguments for Libertarian Rights.”

From Chris’s announcement:

It is my distinct honor—and pleasure—to formally announce a forthcoming book: The Dialectics of Liberty: Exploring the Context of Human Freedom, a trailblazing collection of essays by a diverse group of scholars, coming from a variety of disciplines and perspectives. The anthology has been coedited by Roger E. Bissell, Chris Matthew Sciabarra, and Edward W. Younkins. It is slated for publication by Lexington Books in June 2019 and it is sure to be a provocative read for anyone interested in liberty and the contexts that nourish—or undermine—it.

Readers can find the book’s home page here (which is redirected from both Dialectics of Liberty.com and Dialectics and Liberty.com). As we state on our abstracts page:

“These essays explore ways that liberty can be better defended using a dialectical approach, a mode of analysis that grasps the full context of philosophical, cultural, and social factors requisite to the sustenance of human freedom. The contributors represent a variety of disciplines and perspectives who apply explicitly dialectical tools to a classical liberal / libertarian analysis of social and cultural issues. By conjoining a dialectical method, typically associated with the socialist left, to a defense of individual liberty, typically associated with the libertarian right, this anthology challenges contemporary attitudes on both ends of the political spectrum.Abstracts for all the articles that are included in the anthology can be found here and contributor biographies can be found here.”

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