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KOL398 | Story and The Power of Control | The Stephan Kinsella Series | Episode 3 (WiM229) with Robert Breedlove, of the “What is Money” Show


Kinsella on Liberty Podcast: Episode 398.

This is my appearance on Robert Breedlove’s What Is Money podcast, Ep. WiM229 (Youtube channel). This is Ep. 3 of the “Stephan Kinsella Series” (released Oct. 26, 2022). For Ep. 1, see KOL391 | Hoppe’s A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism, Ep. 1 with Robert Breedlove, of the “What is Money” Show. For Ep. 2, see KOL394 | The Nature of Property, Ep. 2 (WiM216) with Robert Breedlove, of the “What is Money” Show.

From Robert’s Episode notes: “Stephan Kinsella is an American intellectual property lawyer, author, and deontological anarcho-capitalist. He joins me for an in-depth conversation about the book “A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism: Economics, Politics, and Ethics” by Hans-Hermann Hoppe.”


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  • Dennis Nezic November 5, 2022, 10:54 pm

    You think Dinesh’s 2000 Mules was bullshit? You think WTC7 collapsed at free fall speed perfectly down cuz of fire, and the nano-thermite found at the scene was just a coincidence? (Obviously you’re aware of Operation Northwoods, the lies that took the US into Iraq, and the malevolent mendacious nature of politicians. Obviously you’re aware that the guy responsible for the 9/11 investigation was the same guy in charge of investigatig the plandemic now, and his “academic” thesis was on myth-making (lying) for nation-building.)

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