Annoying and Pretentious Terms
[See also Favorite Pretentious Terms of the Slate Podcast Literati] [Althouse liked my list]
- cutty sark
- “speaks to”
- “put paid to”
- troops as plural for trooper (even though troop also means a group).
- chowder (some Yankee wannabe-gumbo dish apparently)
- sue for peace (negotiate, ask, for peace?)
- hangdog (as in the “hangdog” looks (sad, dejected, sheepish) of Ross Geller’s character on Friends)
- laureate (as in Nobel laureate)
- hoi polloi (the general populace; the masses)
- hoity-toity (marked by an air of assumed importance: HIGHFALUTIN)
- beg to differ (“beg”? Isn’t that a little strong?)
- “in the event”-as prepositional phrase, instead of “in any event” or “as it turned out”
- must needs (as in, “I must needs do this”)
- should instead of would (as in “I should think that you would want to go to the theater”)
- mortar-board (as in the top part of a graduation cap, like I’m supposed to know that)
- unawares (without warning: suddenly, unexpectedly. “It caught me unawares.”)
- man of letters (“Edmund Wilson was a man of letters.” First, who the hell was Edmund Wilson? Second, what the hell is a man of letters?)
- stay tuned (who even knows anymore that a TV has a tuner?)
- gaol (the British English spelling of “jail”)
- vouchsafe (to give by way of reply )
- alarum (a call to arms
- cohort (a group of individuals having a statistical factor (as age or class membership) in common in a demographic study )
- pyjamas (instead of pajamas)
- catsup (instead of ketchup)
- waldo (as in a “doo-hickey” or “thingamabob”)
- broker a deal/honest broker
- ballyhooed; much-ballyhooed; long-ballyhooed
- vaunted or much-vaunted
- wag (noun: as in a commentator or pundit or gossip: “As one wag put it recently, …”)
- writ large
- nod (as in, give a nod to…)
- shuffle off this mortal coil (i.e., die)
- worry a bone (a dog chewing/playing with a bone)
- let slip the dogs of war (“slip”?)
- familiar (noun: as in, companion, or member of household of a high official)
- own, used to mean “acknowledge”, as in, “I own I did not know that”
- in fine, meaning, “in short”
- weapon for gun
- trope
- re-furbish
- bids fair (“seems likely”, as in, “Kenneth Starr’s report bids fair to become a classic, bawdy epic.”)
- “It is meet that…”
- apparatchik (a member of a Communist apparat; an official blindly devoted to superiors or to the organization. What the hell is an apparat? Why are we presumed to know Russian terms now?)
- pleonastic (redundant; pleonasm: the use of more words than those necessary to denote mere sense (as in “the man he said”) : redundancy
- antinomy (1: a contradiction between two apparently equally valid principles or between inferences correctly drawn from such principles; 2 : a fundamental and apparently unresolvable conflict or contradiction “antinomies of beauty and evil, freedom and slavery”)
- photomicrograph (instead of: microphotograph)
- piping hot
- strapping (as in strapping young man)
- jejune (whatever it means)
- manque
Cool Terms
- hapless (also: witless, and half-wit)
- shrapnel
- morsel
- cellar door
- scatterbrained
- copasetic
- epistemology
- orangutan
- What up?
- ergonomic
- skulking
- “walking papers”–as in when your wife tells you if you screw up again she will sign your walking papers
- dint, as in by dint of his effort he succeeded
- high dudgeon (this is a really cool one!)
- red-ass; I’ve got a case of the red-ass; open up a can of whup-ass (as in, “If you don’t stop it I’m gonna open up a can of whup-ass on ya'”).
- screed
- frenetic
- nodule
- laconic; bucolic
- epiphany; sublime; sanguine; sensual
- anvil; mortar & pestle; cordite (i.e., smell of gunpowder)
- apocalyptic; ragnarok; armageddon; gotterdammerung (all synonyms for the apocolypse)
- abomination; doppelganger (double, twin); atavistic (primal, primitive)
- spreadable; splayed; splendid; scrumptious; resplendant
- stolid
- plug; lump
- vainglory
- idiot savant
- hirsute (hairy)
- truth be told; in truth
- upshot
- stillborn/stillbirth (it’s just so descriptive!)
- malevolent (you got your “mal” in there for “evil”, you got your “vol” in there for voluntary action or intentionality, you got it all!)
- baleful (mean, yellow eyes), doleful (sad doelike eyes)
- putter (as in puttering around the house)
- slake, quench (slake or quench your thirst)
- nit pick
- sabre-rattling
- well-nigh (The grass needed mowing as it was well-nigh up to my knees.)
- swash-buckling (but what is a swash, and why would you buckle it?)
- cunning (as in, you’re a cunning linguist; or, better yet, Hegel’s “the cunning of reason”)
- brisance (the shattering effect of an explosion)
- frisson (a brief moment of emotional excitement; shudder, thrill)
- cavil (“beyond cavil”; cavil = a trivial and frivolous objection, or to raise a trivial objection)
- purport, purportedly
- terra cotta. Terra firma.
- cul-de-sac
- wainscoting (wood or stuff on bottom part of walls)
- crimson; scarlet
- nudge
- hustle & bustle
- cogitate
- ennui (noun: a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction; boredom)
- Molten
- smelted
- clack
- clamber
- trenchant
- toddle
- toddy
- You can re-group, but can you group?
- Re-furbish, and re-vamp; but furbish? vamp?
- Nonplussed; plussed
- ruthless; ruth…ful?
- commonplace: noun or adjective?
- You can be disgruntled, but can you be gruntled?
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